Thursday, August 15, 2013

|| real life ||

I had this image in my head that once I graduated from high school, my life would suddenly become this huge party where I would do crazy things all day, everyday. I'd roam from party to party making all these new exciting friends and staying up all night. And now I'm here.... There's a stranger in my bed, there's a pounding in my head, glitter all over the room, pink flamingos in the pool. I smell like a mini bar... ok, ok no I'm not Katy Perry but the song's catchy alright? But really, low and behold here I am, 3 months after graduation and how many parties has this girl been to? El zero. How many new friends has this girl made? Zip. HA! I'm pathetic. But hey, on the bride side...

I'm now fully prepared to become a mother at any time (besides the fact that I have no husband and about ten dollars to my name). I mean really I spend most my time cleaning the house and watching little hellians. And sometimes I even bake cakes so there's that.

I've watched every single episode of Grey's Anatomy... and I'm not even a little bit ashamed to admit it. I feel like I could preform surgery all by myself now. Ten blade! I NEED MORE SUCTION OVER HERE! I think I'm more of a Merideth than a Christina...but maybe I'm just saying that because I wouldnt mind being married to Derek Shepard. Plus I'm not a bossy know-it-all like Christina. or am I....

But seriously need a job. And a life.

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